Spark Clear Aligners

Clear Up Your Smile

Dietrich Orthodontics is proud to offer Spark clear aligners. Our clear aligners represent a new opportunity for Alliance and Canton to have clearer, brighter, wider smiles.

5 health Benefits to straight teeth

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners represent a novel option for orthodontic care. What makes them special? They give you an (almost) invisible way to realign your teeth.

Unlike braces, clear aligners are removable. That’s right! You can take them out to eat or brush your teeth.

The Mechanics of Clear Aligners

Spark clear aligners from Dietrich Orthodontics are your ticket to a dazzling smile. Instead of having one set of braces tightened every few months, you’ll have several sets of clear aligner trays. Each tray will slowly but surely escort your teeth into a new position.

When you’re finished with that set, your teeth will still need to move a little further. So Dr. Dietrich will make you a brand new set! You’ll keep getting new sets until it’s time to unveil your new smile.

Here’s how Spark clear aligners work:

Custom Fit

Our team designs each set of aligners according to your unique smile. We use advanced 3D imaging technology for precision.

Gradual Movement

Each new set of aligners will gently shift your teeth into their ideal positions.

Wear Time

For optimal results, Dr. Dietrich recommends wearing your Spark clear aligners about 22 hours a day. Only take them out to eat or brush.

Progress Tracking

Regular check-ins with our Dietrich Orthodontics team help keep your smile moving in the right direction.

What Sets Clear
Aligners Apart?

Clear aligners can accomplish many of the same goals as metal braces. But our clear aligner method has some notable differences.


Clear aligners are almost invisible, offering you a subtler way to straighten your teeth.

Clear aligners are also more versatile — should you need to briefly remove them for a photo op or speaking engagement, you can. Just make sure to return them so they can continue working their magic.


Clear aligners don’t have any wires or brackets. Many patients report less irritation from clear aligners than with metal braces.


Easily removable, aligners allow for better oral hygiene and no dietary restrictions. You can still eat what you want (within reason, of course).

Treatment Time

Clear aligner treatment can often work faster than traditional braces, depending on your case and unique smile needs.


Dietrich Orthodontics’ clear aligners use the latest dental tech for precise, efficient movement and customization.

Caring for Your
Clear Aligners

Keeping your Spark clear aligners in top shape is essential to a successful treatment. Here are a few tips on how best to care for your aligners.

Safe Storage

Always remember to place your aligners in their protective case when you're not wearing them. The aligner case not only safeguards them against dirt and germs but also minimizes your risk of accidentally damaging or losing them. Lost or damaged aligners mean delayed treatment!

Avoid Heat

Exposing your aligners to high temperatures can alter their shape and effectiveness. To maintain their precise fit and function, steer clear of hot water for cleaning.

You should also keep them away from sources of heat to ensure they continue to guide your teeth smoothly to their ideal positions. Don’t leave them in your car during the summer, and don’t store them in the kitchen, next to a heater, or near a fireplace.

Daily Cleaning

Make it a habit to rinse and gently brush your aligners every day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and cool water.

This simple routine helps your aligners maintain their clarity. Plus, it keeps them smelling fresh so that your smile stays bright and hygienic throughout your treatment.

Clear Your Schedule for a Clear Smile

Ready to take the first step towards a confident, radiant smile? Contact Dietrich Orthodontics in Canton or Alliance today to schedule your free consultation. Discover the clear difference of Spark clear aligners!